Ai Tampa Swede Contest

Rules – 
Duration: 5 minutes or less.
Try not to spend any money.
Let’s keep these PG-13.
You must have someone on your crew from a different major. 
You must have an instructor or faculty member in your Swede.
You must have some sort of VFX in your Swede.

Judging – 
You will be judged on the following:
Creativity of props
Creativity of costumes
Production Value
Your ability to tell a story
And “Viewability” (is your Swede watchable).
Why you should do this – 
You can enter this into F8* next quarter.
You can enter this in to the Tampa Bay Swede Fest later this year.
We are giving away awesome prizes.

Submissions – 
Please send me your team name and crew as soon as possible so we may post it on the blog along with what movie you will be Sweding. 
The deadline to turn your finished product is April 20th at 5pm.
Turn in a DVD to either Robb Fladry or Justin Padilla.