June 2nd, 2010

Meeting Overview
Club Objectives-
To raise money, through dues and fund raisers, that will allow the club to support it's self financially.

Consistently host small events with special guests, that provide the DFVP students with educational opportunities not provided in the class room.

Develop and expand on the club's web presence, through sites like Blogspot, facebook, and the Tampa Film Network.

Election News-
Next week, June 9th, elections will be held in room 162 from 12 to 1. This is not a meeting and club members are not required to stay any longer than it takes to fill out a ballot. The day before the elections a ballot will be emailed to everyone on the email list, for those who are unable to be on campus Wednesday. If you chose to submit your ballot via email, simply reply with your choices to the Rough Cut email account.

Ben Hammond-
If elected, Ben wishes to bring together the DFVP students together like never before. He wants to see the students support one another, and inspire a communal sensibility.

Matt Jimenez-
Matt wants to take his experience and share his knowledge with lower classmen, recreating the experiences that have shaped him as a filmmaker. Matt is dedicated to partnering with other departments to allow film students access to resources that may not otherwise be available.

Malachi Cull-
Malachi is dedicated to seeing the DFVP department achieve "perfection." He believes, as president, he will be in a position to help the students get to the next level of their skill set.

Sophia Juarbe-
Sophia wants to provide the department with workshops, that will allow students to expand on their current and be introduced to new skills. Sophia believes her experience with clubs in high school gives her the advantage, and allows her the ability to run the club efficiently and successfully.

Special thanks to Ruth Semelsberger
for providing our meeting with pizza!
It went fast.

For info about the club, or if you have any question please email

1 comment:

  1. I am excited to see who will win as President. I know all of the candidates personally and they are great people who are good at what they do.

    Good turnout for the first meeting and the pizza was great haha. I cannot wait to see what happens to Rough Cut and watch it expand. See everyone at the next meeting.

    Don't forget to vote! and hopefully there will be no recounts haha.
