Film of the Month Feb 10 Paint Your Heart Out


from Theo Harris

This month's "Film of the Month," was a collaborative effort by a group of talented film students. Theo Harris submitted the film to last years Showcase, but was not solely responsible for it's execution. Just to clarify, the film was, like all films, a group effort. "Paint Your Heart Out" has only been regarded as Theo's piece, because he was the only student to submit the film to our show.

MFS Feb 2010 Theo Harris

By Robert S. Pearson

I was in my fourth quarter at the Art Institute when I first met Theodore Harris. I was working on the original version of Behind the Bulb, and needed some photoshop help. Although I had never met Theo before, he overheard that I need assistance and soon my question was answered. I didn't need to know Theo for long to know that he was a intelligent and generous student, who enjoyed seeing other realize their visions. Since then I have become friends with Theo, and have recently had the pleasure of working with him on a film that I am directing. I am glad he agreed to step into the "Spotlight," and like the other filmmakers before him, I asked Theo, why film?

Film is the art form that I am able to translate my artistic vision to the masses. Freedom of expression is essential to my well being.

I am always interested to talk to filmmakers about their favorite movies, so I asked Theo to name a few of his favorite films.
Favorite Films

Crash, American Beauty, Coming to America

I was surprised to see such a diverse selection of pictures, so I asked Theo who some of his influences, outside of filmmakers, are.

My Family, Dr. Cornell West, and Tupac Shakur

I also asked Theo what his goals as a filmmaker are.

My goal as filmmaker is to incorporate old-fashioned storytelling with new age film technology.

His answer inspired another favorite question of mine, who are your favorite directors?

Favorite Directors

Perhaps no other film student I have interviewed has shared so many of the same favorite filmmakers. I always like to find out what the AI Tampa professors think of their students, so I asked professor Greg LeSar to share his thoughts on Theo.

Professor LeSar:
Theo Harris is a competent cinematographer and a pleasure to be on set with. He has a unique visual style and a personal touch that always enhances his work.

I asked Theo if he had anyone he wanted to thank?

Special Thanks

Mom, Dad, Robert S. Pearson, Jay McGee, John Muehl & Tom Hammond

I want to thank Theo for his time, and professor LeSar for his thoughts. Check back next month for the next Spotlight!