Rough Cut Guest Speaker of the Month
Trevor Ward

Filmmaker Trevor Ward stopped by Thursday, June 17th, for a special privet screening of I Met With An Accident. Afterwards he stayed for a Q&A about the film. Below are a few highlights from the Q&A.

Q: How long were you in India?
Trevor- It took 4 years, going from America to India, to complete the filming.

Q: How big was your crew?
Trevor- It was just me and my camera.

Q: Did you employ any "Michael Moore" style tactics of manipulation?
Trevor- I had an idea of the story I wanted to tell, but when it came to filming I didn't have an agenda.

"I loved this project, and it was like mining for gold."
"I never manipulated him (Benedict), I always asked, can I?"

Thanks again to Trevor Ward for coming to Ai and Screening his film for Rough Cut. The picture was great and having the experience to pick a unique filmmaker's mind was a rare opportunity.

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